Harte Canibal.

Phoro hexclusibo para misioneros antropófagos
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Mensajes: 24112
Registrado: 22 Ago 2003 09:44

Re: Harte Canibal.

Mensaje por Yongasoo »

Jordison escribió:Killy nos ha regalao un palo que no sé para qué sirve. Y parece ser tía!

Un palo? Como no sea un megadildo canibal...
"Apathy's a tragedy
And boredom is a crime"

GNU Terry Pratchett

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Mensajes: 12444
Registrado: 24 Feb 2003 14:41
Ubicación: Twickenham

Re: Harte Canibal.

Mensaje por mayhem »

Más o menos. Es una funda para el rabo, una vaina, digamos, que usan algunas tribus. Dice que él las ha llevado todas para comprobar que funcionen correctamente antes de regalárnoslas, así que, Jordi, va a ser que es un tío. O una tía con rabo como Merle.
Dolordebarriga escribió:Mayhem, te nombro phorero del año

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Mensajes: 24112
Registrado: 22 Ago 2003 09:44

Re: Harte Canibal.

Mensaje por Yongasoo »

Sip, ya lo había visto, lo aclaramos por chat.

El que nos regala es bastante bonito, vi un documental en discovery sobre los indios que los hacían y los que usaban ellos no estaban ornamentados ni nada.

Y si, Killy es un tipo, es Nihilo.
"Apathy's a tragedy
And boredom is a crime"

GNU Terry Pratchett

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Registrado: 20 Dic 2003 11:43
Ubicación: En situación de desaceleración económica desfavorable.

Re: Harte Canibal.

Mensaje por Jordison »

fosPhoritera says “fdsdsafdasdas” (2009-03-19 22:08)
fosPhoritera says “afdasdfasd” (2009-03-19 22:08)
fosPhoritera says “fasdasdfas” (2009-03-19 22:08)
fosPhoritera says “fasdasdfs” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdfa” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “afsdasdfads” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fsdfsdfas” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “gfasdfsdafas” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfas” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fsdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fsadfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “adfsfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera loses too much blood from a nasty looking wound and dies. (2009-03-19 22:10)

LunaOskura, "noches de bohemia y de ilusión"
(lin2) (lin2) (lin2) TOXIC (lin2) (lin2) (lin2)

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Mensaje por LunaOskura »

Las ansias de tocar concha me pudieron, y un error de cálculo de mis hps.

Toda la tarde pensando en ello, y cuando llega el momento la cago.

Si fuera tío, padecería de eyaculación precoz.

Muy buen título, Gordi xD
Sinceramente, querida, me importa un bledo.

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Mensajes: 12444
Registrado: 24 Feb 2003 14:41
Ubicación: Twickenham

Re: Harte Canibal.

Mensaje por mayhem »

Volví al Botheringham en York, donde uno de sus miembros me mató y luego aquellos dos me dieron 100 monedas de oro, y éste es el resultado:

Twist claps madapHaca on the shoulder. "And yet you keep on coming back for more. You've got cojones, amigo - I can admire that in a man." (2009-03-19 21:15)
Twist says “Not in a gay way though, obviously." Twist glances at S0S warily. "So don't get any ideas, you." Twist turns back to madapHaca. "The Bov's could do with a man like you...” (2009-03-19 21:17)
You have been invited to join the clan "Botheringham FC Supporters' Club" by Twist. If you accept, your clan will be changed immediately, or you could ignore the invitation and nothing will change. Accept invitation (2009-03-19 21:18)
There is a message from Twist, it reads: No need to compromise your loyalty to pH... (2009-03-19 21:18)
You hear Twist whisper “I can respect your wanting to do thi on your own, but there's no shame in accepting a bit of help from friends, is there? Pay me back later, if you feel you have to.” (2009-03-19 21:19)
Twist gives you a backpack. (2009-03-19 21:19)
You hear Twist whisper “That's a big help for a warrior - let's you carry plenty of extra bullets and rifles...” (2009-03-19 21:20)
You hear Twist whisper “And talking of rifles and bullets...” (2009-03-19 21:23)
Twist gives you a rifle. (2009-03-19 21:23)
Twist gives you a rifle. (2009-03-19 21:23)
Twist gives you a rifle. (2009-03-19 21:23)
Twist gives you a rifle. (2009-03-19 21:23)
Twist gives you a rifle. (2009-03-19 21:23)
Twist gives you a rifle. (2009-03-19 21:23)
Twist gives you a rifle. (2009-03-19 21:23)
You hear Twist whisper “Like I said, pay me back when you can, if you really feel you have to. Just kill that bastard first!” (2009-03-19 21:24)

De modo que tengo 10 rifles cargados y una mochila (que por cierto, van muy bien, aumentan la capacidad del inventario a 100). Y las 100 de oro.

Será cuestión de pasearme por otra casita de estas a ver si me mata otro energúmeno y luego los demás me lamen el ojal a modo de disculpa xD
Dolordebarriga escribió:Mayhem, te nombro phorero del año

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Mensajes: 24112
Registrado: 22 Ago 2003 09:44

Re: Harte Canibal.

Mensaje por Yongasoo »

La gente en este juego es hamorio puro, que lindo va a ser masacrarlos a la gloria de San Poly.

Y lo de la mochila si que es muy útil para los guerreros, si no es imposible llevar una cantidad decente de rifles/cerbatanas, balas/dardos, machetes, garrotes, faks/hierbas, etc. Yongaseentado compró la suya hace poco por algo así como 10 o 15 monedas de oro.
"Apathy's a tragedy
And boredom is a crime"

GNU Terry Pratchett

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Mensajes: 4922
Registrado: 30 May 2004 03:04

Re: Harte Canibal.

Mensaje por Merleneyer »

Since your last move:
pHugitivo says “Con ese cuerpazo que te ha dado dios, cómo te vas a hundir?” (2009-03-18 07:20)
pHugitivo says “Es más, desde que has llegado los tiburones ya no nos merodean; deben haberte confundido con una orca” (2009-03-18 07:20)
Bobirobson says “Me pido vagón de cola!” (2009-03-18 08:08)
Mierdaseca says “Mestoy desangrando por un mordisco de tiburón! Yerbas necesito! Halludah!” (2009-03-18 08:15)
Morritos Reisiguer says “Yo también me desangro. La putada es que si mueres vuelves al chamizo de Hotrali. Como nos ataquen los tiburones esta operación del PH va a ser una cagada antológica” (2009-03-18 08:21)
Morritos Reisiguer attacks you with a wooden club for 2 damage. (2009-03-18 08:22)
meatismurder says “yo ya voy comenzando con lod e beber agüita, habrá que estar al tanto por los tigurones.” (2009-03-18 08:49)
Mierdaseca says “Gracias meatismurder, ya me siento mejor” (2009-03-18 09:33)
Morritos Reisiguer says “Me curao! meatismurder es el hamigo de los niños! Biba meatismurder!” (2009-03-18 09:55)
Morritos Reisiguer attacks you with a wooden club for 2 damage. (2009-03-18 09:56)
Mariano Rajoy says “KDD?” (2009-03-18 13:17)
Cipotron says “pHumada popular” (2009-03-18 13:20)
Rocio Jurado says “Como una ola tu hamor llego a mi vida, hamigos” (2009-03-18 14:59)
Sabes a pollo says “Es aquí donde están Luna y Straika con la colchoneta comiéndose los bajos mutuamente?” (2009-03-18 15:01)
Sabes a pollo says “Soplad la puta concha hideputas que me seestán arrugando to los dedos y la pilila” (2009-03-18 15:03)
Huesos says “Esperad un poco cojoneh, que tengo 11 de ap!” (2009-03-18 15:30)
pHollo con pHatatas says “Como alguien me cure le digo al xp que le pago un chandal Lonsdale para que le rastree la IP y lo afostie por el honor de la vaguada” (2009-03-18 15:32)
pHollo con pHatatas says “CUIDADO HAY TIBURONES!!!!!!!!!” (2009-03-18 15:34)
pHollo con pHatatas says “TODO EL MUNDO A LA PLAYA!!!” (2009-03-18 15:34)
phikatilo says “alguien tiene un sigarrito seco?” (2009-03-18 16:09)
phikatilo says “sos via contar unos cuantos chistes de arevalo porque estoy herido y hablando resulta que vas perdiendo vidar” (2009-03-18 16:10)
phikatilo says “esto es un mariquita que va a una ferreteria” (2009-03-18 16:13)
phikatilo says “y dise: pongame un cancamen que se mete en un cancamen y hace brrrrr” (2009-03-18 16:13)
phikatilo says “y un legionario que va al sielo y sancuentra con un jorobador” (2009-03-18 16:14)
phikatilo says “y como no le dejan de entrar viste al jorobado de cabra y se lo folla” (2009-03-18 16:14)
phikatilo says “ese andalur que va a mejico y le disen. aqui en mejico semos todos mu machos” (2009-03-18 16:17)
phikatilo says “y dise er apaño: en aspaña semos la mitar macho y la mita jembra y mos comemos lo mocos a cucharadas” (2009-03-18 16:17)
phikatilo says “va un español un amiricano un aleman y un frances en un abioneta” (2009-03-18 16:18)
phikatilo says “la abioneta se estrella y mueren todos como ratas” (2009-03-18 16:18)
Phepegut says “Yo te he dado todo lo que tenía rollo comestible por si servía para recuperar vida. Pero vamos, cuando queráis empezamos y tal.” (2009-03-18 17:50)
pHugitivo says “Oigan una cosa que les va a hacer mucho de reír, más que los chistes del Tonetti” (2009-03-18 18:42)
pHugitivo says “Para mí que la conch shell esta sí que se puede dar” (2009-03-18 18:43)
pHugitivo says “Por lo menos sale en el menú de "give"” (2009-03-18 18:43)
pHugitivo says “De hecho no sé quién es el flipao que dijo que no la podíamos pasar unos a otros porque en la wiki de eso no dice nada” (2009-03-18 18:45)
Huesos says “Gracias Cannigula!” (2009-03-18 19:36)
Huesos says “Jordi, mongolo, escuchate a Ashes Divide!” (2009-03-18 19:36)
Salchichordison says “Coño, no sabía de su existencia” (2009-03-18 20:13)
Salchichordison says “¿Ya no siguen con apc?” (2009-03-18 20:13)
Sabes a pollo says “entonces, si se puede dar, mongolos, por qué no emoezamos de una vez?” (2009-03-18 22:17)
pHollo con pHatatas says “Pues no se puede dar... y la razón por la que no empezamos es porque el ruido lo oirá todo el mundo y esperaremos a tener APs como para sacarle todo el partido posible antes de mandarla a otra parte” (2009-03-18 22:22)
pHollo con pHatatas says “Me cago en dios, como venga un espíritu esta noche con dos banshee wails nos pHolla a todos estando como estamos con poca vida” (2009-03-18 22:25)
Sabes a pollo says “bueno ya estoy a 19 hp y voy a llenar las botellas y esperar. ya direís” (2009-03-18 22:25)
Huesos says “Creo que esu n proyecto paralelo del guitarrista calvorota” (2009-03-18 22:28)
quienesestecanibal tosses a gold coin into the air and catches it. The coin shows heads. (2009-03-18 22:31)
Matasanos says “Me he tirado al agua con el paquete de tabaco en el bolsillo” (2009-03-18 23:42)
Protector says “Soy protector, he venido a morir por vuestros pecados, hermanos!” (2009-03-19 02:10)
Protector loses too much blood from a nasty looking wound and dies. (2009-03-19 02:23)
pHollo con pHatatas says “Esto ha sido un poco como el Comando Sucidia de La vida de Brian” (2009-03-19 04:24)
Pocholoff says “A ver si es verdad que hablar rebaja HP y no AP...” (2009-03-19 07:40)
Pocholoff says “Pues ni lo uno ni lo otro, hoygan” (2009-03-19 07:42)
Pocholoff says “Quiero bajar HP!!!!!!!!” (2009-03-19 07:50)
Chocolate Secsi says “Qué tienen mis huevos morenos que les molan tanto a los putos tiburones? ASCA” (2009-03-19 09:08)
Pocholoff says “Dame más, marinero!” (2009-03-19 09:54)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:30)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:30)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:30)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:30)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:31)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:31)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:31)
phopheye el marino kills pHugitivo with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 11:31)
pHugitivo drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 11:31)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:32)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:33)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:33)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:33)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:33)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:33)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:33)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:33)
phopheye el marino kills moro inpHiel with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 11:34)
moro inpHiel drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 11:34)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:35)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:35)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:35)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:35)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:35)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:35)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:35)
phopheye el marino kills meatismurder with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 11:35)
meatismurder drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 11:36)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:37)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:37)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:37)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:37)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:37)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:37)
Sabes a pollo drinks a bottle of liquid and dies from its effect. (2009-03-19 11:38)
Sabes a pollo drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 11:38)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:38)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:38)
Pocholoff kills Morritos Reisiguer with a dagger. (2009-03-19 11:40)
Morritos Reisiguer drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 11:40)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:40)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:40)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:40)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:40)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:41)
phopheye el marino kills Pocholoff with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 11:42)
Pocholoff drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 11:42)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:43)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:43)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:43)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:43)
Rocio Jurado kills Guiston Bogarde with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 11:45)
Guiston Bogarde drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 11:45)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:46)
phopheye el marino kills Mierdaseca with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 11:49)
Mierdaseca drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 11:49)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:50)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:50)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:50)
Cursed Tuputamadre kills Cannigula with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 11:52)
Cannigula drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 11:52)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:52)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:53)
Cursed Tuputamadre kills Chocolate Secsi with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 11:54)
Chocolate Secsi drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 11:54)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:54)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:55)
Phamelico says “Love Boat in your anus!” (2009-03-19 11:57)
Phamelico says “Cucurrucucu palomaaaa” (2009-03-19 11:58)
phopheye el marino kills Phamelico with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 11:59)
Phamelico drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 11:59)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 11:59)
Matasanos says “probando, probando” (2009-03-19 12:11)
Matasanos says “Grabe tu nombre en mi barca ” (2009-03-19 12:12)
Matasanos says “me hice por ti marinero ” (2009-03-19 12:12)
Matasanos says “para cruzar los mares ” (2009-03-19 12:12)
Matasanos says “surcando los deseos. ” (2009-03-19 12:12)
Matasanos says “Fui tan feliz en tus brazos ” (2009-03-19 12:12)
Matasanos says “fui tan feliz en tu puerto ” (2009-03-19 12:12)
Matasanos says “que el corazón quedó preso ” (2009-03-19 12:12)
Matasanos says “de tu cuerpo y de tu piel. ” (2009-03-19 12:13)
Matasanos says “Como una ola tu amor llegó a mi vida ” (2009-03-19 12:13)
Matasanos says “como una ola de fuerza desmedida ” (2009-03-19 12:13)
Matasanos says “de espuma blanca y rumor de caracola. ” (2009-03-19 12:13)
Matasanos says “Como una ola. ” (2009-03-19 12:13)
Matasanos says “Y yo quedé prendida en tu tormenta ” (2009-03-19 12:14)
Matasanos says “perdí el timón sin darme apenas cuenta. ” (2009-03-19 12:14)
Matasanos says “Como una ola, ” (2009-03-19 12:14)
Matasanos says “tu amor creció ” (2009-03-19 12:14)
Matasanos says “como una ola. ” (2009-03-19 12:15)
Matasanos says “Bajé del cielo una estrella ” (2009-03-19 12:15)
Matasanos says “en el hueco de mis manos ” (2009-03-19 12:15)
Matasanos says “y la prendí a tu pelo ” (2009-03-19 12:15)
Matasanos says “cuando te dije "te amo". ” (2009-03-19 12:15)
phopheye el marino kills Bobirobson with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 12:27)
Bobirobson drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 12:27)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:28)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:28)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:28)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:28)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:28)
DeadlySins kills Matasanos with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 12:37)
Matasanos drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 12:37)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:38)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:38)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:38)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:38)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:38)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:38)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:38)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:39)
Cipotron kills pHrigoPie with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 12:42)
pHrigoPie drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 12:42)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:42)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:42)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:42)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:42)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:42)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:42)
Mariano Rajoy kills Cipotron with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 12:43)
Cipotron drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 12:43)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:44)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:44)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:44)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:44)
PetisoOrejudo kills Mariano Rajoy with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 12:48)
Mariano Rajoy drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 12:48)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 12:49)
Huesos says “Sera hijoputa, Petiso bajate la vida!!!” (2009-03-19 12:54)
Phascista says “Huesos: http://phcani.chatango.com/” (2009-03-19 12:56)
Vengueitor kills PetisoOrejudo with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 13:12)
PetisoOrejudo drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 13:12)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:15)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:16)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:16)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:16)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:16)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:16)
pHollo con pHatatas kills chicopHino with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 13:18)
chicopHino drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 13:18)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:19)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:19)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:19)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:19)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:19)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:19)
Huesos kills pHollo con pHatatas with a machete. (2009-03-19 13:29)
pHollo con pHatatas drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 13:29)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:30)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:30)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:30)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:30)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:30)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:30)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 13:30)
Lagentesabeapollo kills Huesos with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 14:12)
Huesos drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 14:12)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 14:12)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 14:12)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 14:12)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 14:12)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 14:13)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 14:46)
Matayonga says “Yasta, ya me pegué todo, estoy a 4” (2009-03-19 15:38)
Matayonga says “Si no me pego yo no me pega nadie, cobardicas” (2009-03-19 15:38)
You hear a haunting scream coming from all around you. (2009-03-19 16:07)
You hear a shocking shriek coming from all around you. (2009-03-19 16:07)
phikatilo kills Lagentesabeapollo with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 17:07)
Lagentesabeapollo drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 17:07)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:07)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:07)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:07)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:07)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:07)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:08)
papa doc kills phikatilo with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 17:18)
phikatilo drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 17:18)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:18)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:18)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:18)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:19)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:19)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:19)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:19)
idi amin kills papa doc with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 17:21)
papa doc drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 17:21)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:22)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:22)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:22)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:22)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:22)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:22)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:22)
baby doc kills idi amin with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 17:26)
idi amin drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 17:26)
fosPhoritera says “ola caracola” (2009-03-19 17:34)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:39)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:39)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:39)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:39)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:39)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:39)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:39)
Phepegut kills baby doc with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 17:49)
baby doc drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 17:49)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:49)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:49)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:49)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:49)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:49)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 17:50)
Phepegut says “Jojojo, canela en rama la puta concha de su madre.” (2009-03-19 17:50)
Cursed Tuputamadre says “Cuánta concha y yo que viejo!” (2009-03-19 18:09)
Cursed Tuputamadre says “Tengo 17 aps después de un mediodía de mamporrero. En cuanto recupere fuerzas, le mido el lomo al que tenga la concha” (2009-03-19 18:10)
Tengo gases says “me se ha comido un tiburón, a ver si hablando me desangro” (2009-03-19 19:59)
Tengo gases says “necsito hamor” (2009-03-19 20:00)
Tengo gases says “me siento tan solo aqui en medio del oceano” (2009-03-19 20:00)
Tengo gases says “la soledad me inspira” (2009-03-19 20:01)
Tengo gases says “a hablar en voz alta” (2009-03-19 20:01)
Tengo gases says “que chollo lo del tiburon” (2009-03-19 20:02)
Tengo gases says “pierdes puntos sin gastar ap” (2009-03-19 20:02)
Tengo gases says “h” (2009-03-19 20:02)
Tengo gases says “o” (2009-03-19 20:02)
Tengo gases says “l” (2009-03-19 20:02)
Tengo gases says “a” (2009-03-19 20:02)
Tengo gases says “h” (2009-03-19 20:02)
Tengo gases says “a” (2009-03-19 20:03)
Tengo gases says “m” (2009-03-19 20:03)
Tengo gases says “i” (2009-03-19 20:03)
Tengo gases says “g” (2009-03-19 20:03)
Tengo gases says “o” (2009-03-19 20:03)
Tengo gases says “s” (2009-03-19 20:03)
Tengo gases says “ya esta bien de hacer el memo, me callo ya y mañana soplo” (2009-03-19 20:03)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-19 21:06)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-19 21:06)
kunta-mong turns white as a sheet, and keels over dead. (2009-03-19 21:06)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-19 21:06)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-19 21:06)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-19 21:06)
Phascista turns white as a sheet, and keels over dead. (2009-03-19 21:06)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-19 21:06)
Phisada turns white as a sheet, and keels over dead. (2009-03-19 21:06)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-19 21:06)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you, and lose 4 HP from fear. (2009-03-19 21:06)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-19 21:07)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-19 21:07)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-19 21:07)
phopheye el marino turns white as a sheet, and keels over dead. (2009-03-19 21:07)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you, and lose 4 HP from fear. (2009-03-19 21:07)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-19 21:07)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-19 21:07)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-19 21:07)
quienesestecanibal kills Phepegut with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 21:10)
Phepegut drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 21:10)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 21:10)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 21:10)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 21:10)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 21:10)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 21:11)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 21:19)
La Tia Henriqueta kills quienesestecanibal with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 21:41)
quienesestecanibal drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 21:41)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 21:41)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 21:42)
Game news has been added. The Kidnapping of Anthor (2009-03-19 21:43)
Croquetison says “Henriqueta te puedo quitar la concha ya? xD” (2009-03-19 21:44)
Croquetison kills La Tia Henriqueta with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 21:49)
La Tia Henriqueta drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 21:49)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 21:49)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 21:49)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 21:49)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 21:49)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 21:49)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 21:50)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 21:50)
fosPhoritera says “fdsdsafdasdas” (2009-03-19 22:08)
fosPhoritera says “afdasdfasd” (2009-03-19 22:08)
fosPhoritera says “fasdasdfas” (2009-03-19 22:08)
fosPhoritera says “fasdasdfs” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdfa” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “afsdasdfads” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fsdfsdfas” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “gfasdfsdafas” (2009-03-19 22:09)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfas” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fsdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fasdfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “fsadfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera says “adfsfasdf” (2009-03-19 22:10)
fosPhoritera loses too much blood from a nasty looking wound and dies. (2009-03-19 22:10)
oligoPHrenica kills Baconson with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 22:14)
Baconson drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 22:14)
DeadlySins says “Aquí yace el cuerpo de fosPhoritera, mongol martir por la gracia de San Poly” (2009-03-19 22:14)
oligoPHrenica says “no encuentro la concha, la reputamadre!” (2009-03-19 22:14)
DeadlySins says “Dale a pick up, mi arma” (2009-03-19 22:15)
Tomi Li Youns says “hay un boton que pone pick up conch shell, debajo de give” (2009-03-19 22:15)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:16)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:16)
DeadlySins says “Animo, tu puedes!” (2009-03-19 22:16)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:16)
DeadlySins says “Pero bajale el hp cabronías!” (2009-03-19 22:16)
Fulana kills oligoPHrenica with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 22:31)
oligoPHrenica drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 22:31)
Fulana says “oligo ha muerto” (2009-03-19 22:31)
Fulana says “quiza pueda aprovechar este personaje, esto perdiendo hps” (2009-03-19 22:31)
Fulana says “ya podeis mamar la concha!” (2009-03-19 22:32)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:33)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:33)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:33)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:33)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:33)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:33)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:33)
Salchichordison says “En Jordibacon la tengo, avisadme y lo remato cuando la querais pillar” (2009-03-19 22:34)
Fulana kills Jordibacon with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 22:38)
Jordibacon drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 22:38)
Salchichordison says “Curada hamiga” (2009-03-19 22:40)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:42)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:42)
Fulana says “Gracias hamigo! ” (2009-03-19 22:42)
Fulana says “me estoy fijando que soplar la concha no baja los hps... como los movimientos ordinarios... Curioso” (2009-03-19 22:43)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:43)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:43)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:43)
Salchichordison says “Porque te he curao la herida!” (2009-03-19 22:43)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:43)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:44)
Croquetison kills Fulana with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 22:51)
Fulana drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 22:51)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:52)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:52)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:52)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:52)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:52)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:52)
You hear the echoing of a conch shell horn from right here. (2009-03-19 22:52)
Matarile kills Salchichordison with a wooden club. (2009-03-19 22:59)
Salchichordison drops a conch shell as they fall to the ground dead. (2009-03-19 22:59)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you, and lose 4 HP from fear. (2009-03-20 00:35)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 00:35)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you, and lose 4 HP from fear. (2009-03-20 03:11)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you, and lose 4 HP from fear. (2009-03-20 04:07)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you, and lose 4 HP from fear. (2009-03-20 04:07)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:07)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:15)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you, and lose 4 HP from fear. (2009-03-20 04:15)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:15)
Matayonga turns white as a sheet, and keels over dead. (2009-03-20 04:15)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:16)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you, and lose 4 HP from fear. (2009-03-20 04:16)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:16)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:23)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:24)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:24)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:24)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you, and lose 4 HP from fear. (2009-03-20 04:24)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:24)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:40)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:40)
Tengo gases turns white as a sheet, and keels over dead. (2009-03-20 04:40)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:40)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:40)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:40)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:41)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you, and lose 4 HP from fear. (2009-03-20 04:50)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:50)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you, and lose 4 HP from fear. (2009-03-20 04:50)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:50)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:50)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you, and lose 4 HP from fear. (2009-03-20 04:50)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 04:50)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 05:02)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 05:02)
DeadlySins turns white as a sheet, and keels over dead. (2009-03-20 05:02)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 05:02)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 05:02)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 05:02)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 05:02)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you, and lose 4 HP from fear. (2009-03-20 05:02)
Vengueitor turns white as a sheet, and keels over dead. (2009-03-20 05:02)
You hear a banshee wail from somewhere very nearby. (2009-03-20 10:44)
Cursed Tuputamadre turns white as a sheet, and keels over dead. (2009-03-20 10:44)
Rocio Jurado says “I have a date with your mother, pathetic, can you kill me now, please!” (2009-03-20 10:56)
Chimaira collects the head of oligoPHrenica. (2009-03-20 12:09)
You hear a banshee wail from some distance away. (2009-03-20 12:30)
You hear a banshee wail from some distance away. (2009-03-20 12:30)
You hear a banshee wail from some distance away. (2009-03-20 12:30)
Phrodo Bolson turns white as a sheet, and keels over dead. (2009-03-20 12:30)
Rocio Jurado says “MATADME MATADME MATADMEEEEEEEEEE” (2009-03-20 12:48)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 13:41)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 13:41)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 13:41)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 13:41)
You hear a banshee wail coming from all around you. (2009-03-20 13:41)

No se os puede dejar solos.

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Mensajes: 2635
Registrado: 30 Nov 2004 22:57
Ubicación: Plantación de Chillidas.

Re: Harte Canibal.

Mensaje por Ramón »

Cuanta hermosura.

La torá, el corán, los evangelios apócrifos, el comic de naranjito y el papel higiénico barato de San Poli confluyen en ese rollo de pergamino sagrado al que nuestros bisnietos rezarán todos juntos reunidos en el parking de la Scorpia mientras hacen el pinopuente mirando a la mesquita de Wrayecas.

El primero de muchos jandres capítulos que están por venir, ¿os habéis hecho ya un marcapáginas con los piños de vuestras victimas inphieles?


Ajolá pase algo que me engorde de pronto/ Un alud de tocino, un camión de merengue/ Ajolá por lo menos que me rapte Falete/ Para así comer tanto, para así comer siempre/ De todas las pancetas, de todos los jamones/ Ajolá que no pueda ni verme los cojones. - Salivo Rodrïguez.

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Mensajes: 24112
Registrado: 22 Ago 2003 09:44

Re: Harte Canibal.

Mensaje por Yongasoo »

Ramón escribió:El primero de muchos jandres capítulos que están por venir, ¿os habéis hecho ya un marcapáginas con los piños de vuestras victimas inphieles?


No está para eso el Underworld Log?
"Apathy's a tragedy
And boredom is a crime"

GNU Terry Pratchett
