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Registrado: 19 Mar 2003 03:01


Mensaje por wendigo »


Abro este post porque no quiero que se mezcle el dota con el sucio lol, y porque yo lo valgo.

Para empezar, quien (aparte de huesitos) tiene beta de dota 2 aquí? y si no la habeis pedido, a qué esperais?

Seguidamente pasteo aquí unos cachitos deuna guía para noobs de dota 1 pero que sirve perfectamente para ir abriendo boca.

Very Basic DotA Breakdown

DotA is a game about teamwork, gaining experience, and gaining gold.

Ultimately you want to destroy the enemy team’s throne. The throne is deep inside their base and to get there, you have to beat down enemy creeps, enemy towers, and enemy heroes.

There are basic units spawned every 30 seconds from each of the three lanes. For most of the game there are 3 melee creeps and 1 ranged creep. Periodically a Catapult is added, and eventually in the game there are more melee and ranged creeps. Creeps also slowly gain max hp over the course of the game.

At early levels your heroes are very weak and cannot clear creep waves and towers by yourself. To get stronger you need items. To get items you need money.

You gain gold for getting the last hit on the heroes or creeps. When you land the final blow on an enemy creep (last hit or lh) you receive a random amount of gold for the kill(about 35-45 gold per creep). If you land the final blow on an allied creep(you can only attack allied creeps below 50% hp) then you deny your lane opponents the chance to last hit that creep, and THEY ALSO GET LESS EXP AS A RESULT.

You also get gold when your team destroys a tower(about 450-600 for a last hit on a tower, 200 if your teammates or team kills it, 100 if the enemy denies a tower). Your tower has to be below 10% hp to deny it. The magic number on lv. 1 towers is below 130 hp. If you deny a tower, you are denying your enemy team a total of 500-800 gold. That is a huge amount of gold.

KILLING CREEPS IS THE FASTEST WAY TO FARM WITH VERY FEW EXCEPTIONS. If you want to get farmed(get a lot of gold quickly) you want to last hit every single creep in each wave.

You gain experience when enemy creeps and heroes die around you, defeated by your team.

When you gain enough experience, you gain a level. You start at lv. 1, and the max is lv. 25.

Almost every single hero gets 3 basic skills, 1 ultimate(or ult), and the option for stats instead of levels. Each basic skill can be leveled up 4 times, each ultimate 3 times, and you can get 10 levels of stats by lv. 25. Each level of stats gives you +2 str, +2 agi, and +2 int. Stats will be explained later. Every hero has some kind of combos between each of his skills. Usually you can figure these out by reading the skills, sometimes it takes watching another player perform them.

Eso es básicamente de lo que va el dota.

Tipos de erues:

Kinds of Heroes

There are 3 basic types of heroes that you will need to know. I will not get very far into this.


Almost every team needs a carry. A carry is usually an agility hero who is weak in the early game but becomes VERY strong in the late game with the correct items. Carries are probably 80% dependent on items late game, so you usually end up farming for 20-30 minutes before you start raping face. Carries are arguably the most fun to play because you get to see “YOUR NAME” DOUBLE KILL, TRIPLE KILL, RAMPAGE, etc. This does not mean everyone should play them.

When you are playing with noobs, your teamsetups are usually 2-5 carries per team. This is wrong. A normal team only needs 1 carry, SOMETIMES 2.

There is a small branch of carry called the semi-carry. These are heroes that can and do fit other roles like support/gank/teamfight. Generally semi-carries are strong throughout the whole game, though they will never be as strong as a Hard Carry. Hard carries are the strongest carries in the game. Sometimes they cannot be stopped once they get certain item advantages.



Support heroes are pretty much any hero who has some type of control. Slows, heals, stuns, disables, nukes, etc. Casters make good supports. Stuns are usually valued over almost anything else, but anything else is always valued more than another carry, unless you have no carry.

Supports keep your carries alive in lanes, they give you map control, they give you lane control, they let you KILL THEM early in the game.

Always remember when playing a support, someone NEEDS to buy a chicken, drop it and share control with the team, and ALWAYS let your carry get the farm in the lane, and last hits on enemy heroes, if you can help it.

The bigger advantage your carry has over the enemy team, the better chance your team is going to win. Kill enemy towers while your carry farms. Let your carry kill a tower while you guard him, harass enemy heroes in lane while your carry gets last hits on creeps. This is how you support a carry.

You play your support to allow your carry to farm their balls off. It is not about getting kills, it’s not about having the best items. It’s about letting your carry do this. His success is a result of YOUR success. Nothing feels better than owning so hard as a support that your carry can farm for the first 25 mins of the game untouched, and then use that farm to finish the game handily.


Gank heroes are generally heroes with stuns or slows who are very strong throughout the whole game(especially early). Going ganking and taking a few gank heroes is going to prove successful. When ganking, try to nail their carries. If you keep their carries under leveled and without experience while your carry is at a normal level with items, your team is going to win the game.

Ganking heroes sometimes need a little bit of farm before they become ganking machines, so they usually get cs(creep stats, or farm) preference over support or teamfight heroes. Gank heroes should either be ganking, or trying to farm a major item(blink dagger) and then they should start ganking, followed immediately by pushing after successful ganks(5v4 means you are more likely to win a teamfight and destroy towers or raxes).


Teamfight heroes are hardly worth mentioning, but I felt like making it its own section. A few heroes are better known as walking ults, or walking ultimates. Their entire purpose on your team is to land a good ult, because if that is done, you are more or less in an amazing position during a teamfight. Heroes like Tidehunter who have amazing aoe stuns that are mostly guaranteed to stun every person on the field, make a HUGE difference in teamfights.

Some teamfight heroes need that first major item(usually a blink dagger), so they get farm(cs) preference over gankers and supports until they get that item. If an enigma can land a 3 second Black Hole on the entire enemy team and your team is attacking them the entire time, you have a really good chance to win. Let them farm the blink dagger.

Good Teamsetup/Good Lane Setup

This is going to be a very vague noob level Good Lane Setup/Good Team Setup.

For solo lanes, try to get a hero that benefits from early level advantage or good farm who can gank well with runes or bottle(Lion, Puck, Tinker, Storm, Akasha, etc.). They are usually going to cover a Gank/Teamfight role, and some carries can solo as well(Morphling, Shadow Fiend, Obsidian Destroyer, etc.). However, the most important role you can follow in noob games, is MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AT LEAST ONE RANGED HERO IN EACH LANE.

Even in noob games, a double melee lane means you fail at DotA. Always pick a ranged hero if your team only picks melee. If you have the right melee heroes and you are fighting noobs you can make it work, but this general rule applies. Your opponents will have many opportunities to harass and ALMOST KILL YOU and you will either spend a lot of time walking back to base, or a lot of time standing away from your creeps because you will be harassed away from the creep line where your gold awaits.

For good team setup, have at LEAST one carry(not going to be a problem in easy mode!) and that you have a good balance of support, gank, and team fight heroes. The easiest way to pick is to GET MORE STUNS.

Esto es lo que se hace normalmente durante un juego:

Phases of Game(Laning, Gank, Push)

As was said before, you want levels and you want gold. Because of item, level, and skill limitations early game, heroes generally stay in very close proximity to the other team in their lanes. This is mostly because their skills do not lack enough killing and chasing power. Lv. 1 spells do low damage, and their slow and stun durations are usually low, etc.


The purpose of laning is to get experience from enemy creeps dying, and gold from getting creep last hits. With the experience you gain levels and with the gold you gain better items. Generally if all things are equal(picks, skill, etc.), whichever team has a level and gold advantage will win the game if they continue the trend. If you play right(perfect teamwork) against another perfect teamwork team, the little things matter.

To improve your experience and gold advantage over your opponent, your best option is to KILL THEM. When you KILL THEM you gain about 250 gold and usually about a level’s worth of experience. Anyone who supported you in that kill also gets some support gold even though they didn’t land the final blow.

Your second best option is to ALMOST KILL THEM and make them go back to base to heal. If they go back to heal, they spend 20-40 seconds walking slowly all the way back to base. This is .5-1 levels worth of experience they are missing out on, and they also miss all chances of last hits and denies.

To reduce the effect of ALMOST BEING KILLED you should purchase a tp scroll from base and make the trip back shorter. Yes, it is worth the 135 gold. This is hard for noobs to get over, but that is simply 3 last hits and you are even again. That’s 3 last hits and a lot of creep exp that you would spend time walking back and forth. Simply put, ALWAYS BUY A TP SCROLL AND USE IT WHEN GOING SOMEWHERE LONG RANGE. The noobs that are ALWAYS under leveled spend a lot of time walking back and forth to base to heal. I don’t care if you are only 250 gold from getting boots. Buy a tp scroll. Also, ALWAYS CARRY A TP SCROLL AT ALL TIMES IN CASE YOU NEED TO GET SOMEWHERE NOW.

The final most important thing you can learn about laning, is PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT AUTOATTACK THE CREEPS. There is a place where the creeps meet and beat on each other until they die. This is called the creep line. The creeps do a very exact amount of damage. Generally, if two waves of creeps fight endlessly on flat ground, THE CREEP LINE WILL NOT MOVE. If you start auto attacking or nuking the creeps, the creep line will be pushed closer to the enemy’s tower. When they enemy is closer to their tower, they are closer to being safe. It is so much more difficult to gank heroes when you can’t sneak behind them before initiating the gank. For this reason, DON’T AUTOATTACK THE CREEPS. Instead of auto attacking, right click all over the ground, run in circles until you are ready to last hit, spam the S key(stop) to animation cancel your hero(BEFORE he throws his attack). Just don’t auto attack.

Who Goes Where?

Because of the experience mechanic of experience being generally split between close by heroes, you do not want to put 5 heroes in the same lane. You will all be lv. 1 for a looonnnngg time.

For basic skill level games or non-tryhard games, there will then be 2 heroes top, 1 hero in the middle lane, and 2 heroes in the bottom lane. Occaisionally throw in a jungler as a possibility, then you have 2 solos, 1 jungle, and a dual lane.

In high level skill games or tryhard games, there can also be a 3 hero(trilane), with 2 solo lanes. I would recommend to not attempt a trilane unless you are SURE your heroes are appropriate for a trilane, which is unlikely at low skill levels.

Reasons for Who Goes Where?

You want to solo a hero that gets very powerful with levels who can do so safely, and possibly own the other solo. You can also solo heroes that get very powerful with items and not necessarily levels. Since you are in a lane by yourself, you get all of the experience and gold(that your opponent does NOT deny). Once you get to the 6-9 levels, your mid is usually going to want to gank a top or bottom lane, to establish some LANE CONTROL. Lane Control is either when you KILL THEM or ALMOST KILL THEM. Their team will lose exp and gold, your team will then have an advantage.

Mid is also the easiest lane to defend yourself in. It is short in length between each tower so you will be generally safe by hiding next to your tower. There are also ledges, and you will miss(25%) trying to ranged attack up a hill, so you will have some more survivability as a result.

Those are the two reasons to consider when you pick a solo mid.

• Are you a ganking hero that can take advantage of level gaps?

• Is your hero going to greatly benefit from a level advantage AND a farm advantage from sitting in a lane generally undisturbed for 8-15 minutes(we are talking about noobs right?)?

You will learn which heroes are better for the solo mid(usually int caster heroes or semi-carries are the best), but for now respect someone’s wishes when they call a solo mid lane. Later on you can call them a horrible noob for soloing mid as wisp, but today is not that day.

The final, most important part of laning is DON’T FEED YOU NOOB. Feeding is the quickest way to tell if someone is bad at dota. This means you will do completely stupid things in lane for the first 5-10 minutes which will get your enemies kills, and if you give your enemies kills and they are good at DotA, they will push that advantage the whole game and THE GAME WILL BE OVER BECAUSE YOU FED THEM.

This is by far THE most discouraging thing about DotA(aside from players who bad mouth or act cocky). I can promise that once you learn the heroes and you get some experience under your belt and actually become good at the game, that you will stop feeding. This is why you need to play AI games for a couple days(week or two really) so that you can understand the basics of how powerful heroes are, and be aware that no hero is overpowered(for 90-95% of all players). They all have strengths and weaknesses that when exploited, give you a favorable outcome.

IN SUMMARY: Get last hits to gain gold, deny creeps to deny your lane enemies their gold, KILL THEM or ALMOST KILL THEM and DON’T FEED YOU NOOB.


The ganking phase is ongoing through the course of the whole game. You can do ganks before the first round of creeps spawn, and a successful gank can win the game(during the later stages of the game).

Properly ganking is 50-100% player skill(depending on if allies are involved) and 50-0% teamwork. Communication in DotA is huge, so please learn to do it. If you want to gank a hero, ping on the minimap(Alt+g+left click on map) and type something. Ex: “Ganking Rhasta in 15 seconds, I stun first”. Typing that into chat window is going to clear up ALL confusion with your gank. Communication mistakes are even made in high level of play, so good communication at low levels is going to give you a huge advantage. ALWAYS give a time estimate if possible, which hero you want to target, and who stuns first. Stacking your stuns makes the difference in whether your gank is successful.

Do NOT blame your teammate for not knowing EXACTLY what you were planning to do at the noob level. They are probably focusing on getting last hits, and making sure no one has to say DON’T FEED YOU NOOB. Blaming other people for failing during bad communication is a very common mistake people make.

STUN STACKING- If you have a 1.5 second stun and your ally has a 1.5 second stun, always start the first stun that is most reliable (single target easy to click on a hero). Wait 1.5 seconds in your head, then land your stun. This results in a whole 3 seconds of stun. If you both stun at the same time, 1.5 seconds of stun is WASTED. Stun stacking is going to pretty much guarantee that you get a kill early in the game during ganks(if you are animation cancelling and attack moving or orb walking).

The most important advice I can give you about ganking is DON’T GET BALSY. If you start tower diving(going close to a tower to kill a hero when you have zero creeps around) then you had better be able to kill that hero in less than 5 seconds, without dying, or you shouldn’t be there. Any time you get balsy and DIE as a result means you lost some advantage(if any) that you just had. All because you were greedy and balsy. DO NOT GET BALSY.

When you are ganking late in the game, always bring other people with you. Ganking solo is a wonderful way to FEED THE ENEMY EXP AND GOLD. Do not gank solo. Just don’t do it. Bring 1 person, bring 2 people, bring your whole team. This all but guarantees a kill or great outcome.


A push is a very important part of the DotA game. In pub games(public player games) it is almost always very hard to organize your team to do a push. Most people want to go into the jungle and farm neutral creeps the entire game until they have full items. This is not how you play DotA well.

Generally, when your heroes are powerful enough to do so, you want to organize into a 5 man pushing team, and you want to destroy enemy towers. This gives you map control, and this gives your team 1000-1300 gold. If you destroy 3 enemy towers and they have 0 of your towers, your team has a 3000-3900 gold advantage. This is a huge advantage.

If any enemy tries to 5 man push your tower, you probably need to get there and 5 man defend your tower. You will always have an advantage when fighting by a tower(damage, see invis, etc.) so defending a tower is almost always beneficial.

The most important advice I can give you about pushing that doesn’t get too complex is DON’T GET BALSY. You are pushing to destroy towers or Rax(barracks). Once you destroy all the towers in a lane, you can destroy the Rax. When you destroy both sets of rax, both your melee creeps in lane and your ranged creeps in lane get more hp and more damage. This results in the Creep line being constantly pushed against your enemy, which creates pressure on them to defend, which means they spend less time pushing and farming.

Raxing your opponents is the single most important way to put the game in your favor.

When you are raxing a lane, DO NOT GET BALSY. If you chase them to their fountain and kill one more hero, that’s 10-20 seconds you could have been ATTACKING THE RAX. Which could make the difference between your push being successful. DO NOT CHASE HEROES BACK TO THE FOUNTAIN. DESTROY THE RAX.

Pushing wins the game. If you mess around with your push or you are off farming when your team pushes, you are potentially throwing the game away. I’ve thrown the game away like this, and I have had teammates throw the game away like this. Don’t throw the game away. It is the worst feeling in DotA. Other than feeders or leavers. Stop feeding, you noob.

Más cosas: Diferencias entre el sucio lol y el dota ... on_script/
Última edición por wendigo el 12 Abr 2012 18:27, editado 1 vez en total.

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Registrado: 22 Ago 2003 09:44

Re: DOTA 2

Mensaje por Yongasoo »


Por el título parece que buscaras compañía masculina de amplios genitales. XD
"Apathy's a tragedy
And boredom is a crime"

GNU Terry Pratchett

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Re: DOTA 2

Mensaje por Lobogris »

wendigo escribió:[img]Abro este post porque no quiero que se mezcle el dota con el sucio lol, y porque yo lo valgo.

Eso, eso.... desmitificando la imagen de capullo elitista y basement dweller del jugador de MOBAs medio (ga ñan)

Si me dan a elegir entre ambos, yo me sigo quedando con el LoL.

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Registrado: 19 Mar 2003 03:01

Re: DOTA 2

Mensaje por wendigo »

Yongasoo escribió:TL;DR

Por el título parece que buscaras compañía masculina de amplios genitales. XD

Hombre, si no te interesa el juego pues normal que no leas los tochos. Como mucho el primer quote pa ver de qué va la cosa.

Sí, el nombre tiene su sitio en el olimpo de los nombres risibles en español justo al lado del Mitsubishi pajero.

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Registrado: 22 Ago 2003 09:44

Re: DOTA 2

Mensaje por Yongasoo »

No, si yo posteé solamente para hacer el chistecito del nombre, el juego lo conozco, no lo he jugado, pero lo conozco.
"Apathy's a tragedy
And boredom is a crime"

GNU Terry Pratchett

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Registrado: 24 Feb 2003 14:41
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Re: DOTA 2

Mensaje por mayhem »

Yongasoo escribió:Por el título parece que buscaras compañía masculina de amplios genitales. XD

(ga ñan) (payachu) (asúca) (la_Lina_morgan_la_mejó) (lin2) (onofre) (anibar)
Dolordebarriga escribió:Mayhem, te nombro phorero del año

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Registrado: 19 Mar 2003 03:01

Re: DOTA 2

Mensaje por wendigo »

No quería tener que tirar de armamento pesado para cnvenceros, pero aquí va:


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Registrado: 22 Ago 2003 09:44

Re: DOTA 2

Mensaje por Yongasoo »

Que video más... ejemm... ario.
"Apathy's a tragedy
And boredom is a crime"

GNU Terry Pratchett

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Re: DOTA 2

Mensaje por Tejera »

Que mas da, si al final va a estar igual de lleno de mancos arruinapartidas. Para eso sigo con el Lol.
Thomas Jefferson escribió:When the people fear their gevernment, there is tiranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

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Registrado: 19 Mar 2003 03:01

Re: DOTA 2

Mensaje por wendigo »

Tejera escribió:Que mas da, si al final va a estar igual de lleno de mancos arruinapartidas. Para eso sigo con el Lol.

Es curioso, muchos de los hamgios imaginarios que se han pasado al dota 2 o se van a pasar en cuanto puedan es exactamente por eso. En su opinión lo más probable es que en unos meses en el lol la población sea un 90% lammers.

De todas formas una cosa te via desí, mapachito. Siempre va a haber gilipollas en las partidas públicas. La gracia de esto es encontrar un grupo de hamiguetes con los que jugar regularmente, si no de cada 3 partidas que eches, 2 serán mierda con leavers y gilipollas. Por eso dejé el dota 1, la verdad.

Por lo que yo sé, además el mismo lol intensifica mucho eso de los nubs jodepartidas con lo de los érues gratu gratu -i- tos y tal. No lo sé.

Spoiler: mostrar
